Five Stages Behind Academic Panic and the Fear of IncompetenceFor students, the feeling of imposter syndrome may arise early on in our academic careers. This is all too common and may persist…Feb 26, 2023Feb 26, 2023
So, you have burnout?We’ve all been there. No matter your course load, whether it’s at your job, raising your family, or academic studies, it is easy to reach a…Feb 24, 2023Feb 24, 2023
Last-minute research paper? ONE easy hack for finding sources (yes, even peer-reviewed ones)I go to a UC which means that I am writing a research paper every other hour of the day. I am also a major procrastinator which means that…May 17, 2021May 17, 2021
Dear student who romanticizes everything,At some point you’re going to realize that nothing is enough to motivate you anymore. No amount of pretty pens and highlighters, no array…Apr 30, 2021Apr 30, 2021